PowerCLI 6.5 R1 Poster

less than 1 minute read

PowerCLI is such an awesome tool. Based on PowerShell the functionality has increased with each release. Watch out for some upcoming blog posts on PowerCLI. One script I wrote recently uses PowerCLI to generate a Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) Gold image for capturing. I was doing this manually each month (when I remembered) but using PowerCLI I have the process automated.

Seriously, if you are a VMware admin you need to learn PowerCLI.

PowerCLI 6.5 R1 was released a while back, and then just this week a great poster was released updated for this version. You can grab it here. The poster has a cmdlet list and some helpful hints.

Incidentally VMware have other posters available. They can be accessed using the shortcut VMware Posters

My only comment about the posters is they are sized for US poster printing. If anyone has found a UK based one off poster printer that can handle US sized paper it would be appreciated. Just now I am printing on A1 and cutting down to size.